Belgorod Russia : Legion of Freedom fighters BREACH Russian border and CAPTURE Kozinka

1 year ago

This is footage is from Kozinka in Belgorod, Russia. Russian Legion of Freedom fighters breached Russian border , captured military checkpoint along with trophy military equipment, and destroyed Russian units that were sent after them.

This doesn't look good at all ( for Russia, it's military and border security).
NOTE : Legion consist of Russian/Belarusian citizens who fight against Putin regime in Ukraine. Their goal is to de occupy Ukraine and then fight Putin regime in Russia.
Latest message from the legion fighters :

"The country is ripe for change. The country is ripe for liberation. And most of all they are waiting for the liberation of the territories bordering the war zone: Kursk, Bryansk, Belgorod. Their unspoken call is followed by the Russian Volunteer Corps, which took the liberty of taking the first step towards our Motherland. The civilian population need not worry: the RDK does not fight civilians. Any help to their fellow citizens who were brave enough to fight against Putin's dictatorship brings the end of the war, the end of death and the end of shame closer.

Where and when it is necessary to speak out is decided exclusively by military necessity. But whenever it arose, the Russians came to their land by right. One day, we'll come to stay. At the same time, the guerrilla movement is not constrained by traditional military operations.

The front lines will pass through the areas of dormant cities in the rear. The “seaside partisans”, which at one time caused panic among the security forces, now seem to be only a pale prelude to a real uprising. The Russians took up arms. The Russians have had their say. And no one will dare to say that we are strangers here. We are finally back home!"

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