Conspiracy Theory with Ammonium Nitrate and the Yellowstone super volcano by Chris Sanders

1 year ago

Now this is a far one, however we have not heard the truth about the OKC building and The Twin towers. With the Oklahoma City Building Ammonium Nitrate was used and now we have 60,000 pounds of it recently stolen. By who? For what? Now here is a Chris Sanders original conspiracy theory, kicked off by hearing about only 50 out of the 100 Senators getting satellite phones for a recent dramatic event. What is it? I think they are going to Oklahoma City – the Yellowstone super volcano because they, this wagon wheel are that desperate and need a smokescreen. Could our own Government design a severe smoke screen event as a kill switch before an impeachment, prison, treason charges, takeover and total bank failure? Just a thought. Because the Clintons were just exposed actually colluding with the Russians on our nuclear stockpile while funding a fake Russia Collusion story on President Trump. Should the Clinton’s stand trail for treason? Just a question on a Conspiracy Theory.

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