How To Choose Rod, Reel & Line For Spinner Fishing / The Complete Guide To Spinner Fishing Part 3

1 year ago

The complete guide to fishing with spinners part 3 covers how to chose the right fishing rod, how to choose the right fishing reel & how to choose the right fishing line for fishing with in line spinners. If you are new to fishing or are branching out into new fishing techniques or targeting a new species of fish picking out a good rod can be hard. in this video I explain some basics about choosing a good rod for spinner fishing as well as what line is appropriate for different rods, reels and lures. I also will explain to a degree what is rod action & what is rod power ect.

In this series of videos I get go over how to fish spinners in a river, pond or lake with an emphasis on river spinner fishing. This video as well as the next few in the series The Complete Guide to Fishing with Spinners will cover just about everything you could need to know about fishing with spinners. I will break out all the spinner fishing tricks and spinner fishing techniques for river spinner fishing. I hope to help you catch more fish from the bank by checking out this educational fishing video! If you are wondering how to fish with spinners for bass, how to fish with spinners for trout, how to fish spinners for steelhead or how to fish spinners for salmon the spinner fishing tips and tricks in this video will apply to fishing for all species and I intend to cover some species specific tips for spinner fishing in part 3 or 4.

In Part 2 we went over how to choose the right size and color spinner. As well as go over techniques for better spinner fishing success. I will also go over information on metal reflectivity for spinners to help you make the most of your time on the water with a full understanding of how to choose the right lure for the right situations.

Choosing the right size spinner and choosing the right color spinner can both seem like daunting tasks if you don’t understand some basics about how fish see and locate food. Also understanding how a fish acts in certain situations or certain times of year can also help you gain understanding of how to get territorial aggression strikes and lures that don’t resemble food. They say knowledge is power and Fishing is no exception. One of the beautiful things about fishing though is there anybody can go out and have dumb luck and catch an epic fish maybe even a state record minimal if any knowledge of what they are doing. This in someways levels the playing field between professionals and novices but there’s always that one guy who catches fish every time he goes out or that one guy the outfishes is the group of fisherman he fishes with 10 to 1 on a regular basis. If you want to be that guy you need to either log hours on the river or think smarter than the average fisherman. Understanding fishes eyesight and other ways they detect food can be very eye-opening to beginner fisherman and understanding water clarity and how to make adjustments based on water is ability is what separates the amateurs from the pros. my goal with this video is to equipped you with the knowledge you need to pick the right tool for the job.


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• How to chose the right fishing rod
• how to choose the right fishing reel
• how to choose the right fishing line
• The complete guide to fishing with spinners
• spinner fishing tricks
• how to fish spinners in a river
• spinner fishing techniques
• how to catch more fish from the bank
• river spinner fishing
• educational fishing videos
• how to catch more fish
• fishing lessons for beginners
• bass fishing tips and tricks
• how to fish with spinners for bass
• how to fish with spinners for trout
• how to fish spinners for steelhead
• spinner fishing tips
• how to fish with spinners


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