Parasha Pinchas (Num. 25 - 30) 7-1-18

1 year ago
207 Claire Khaw's summary of the show:

Wikipedia: “Pinchas…is the 41st weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‬, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the eighth in the Book of Numbers. It tells of Pinchas’ killing of a couple, ending a plague, and of the daughters of Zelophehad’s successful plea for land rights.”

* Rabbinic commentator Kli Yachar places the blame on Israel for consorting with Moabite women, not on the Moabite women. The Israelites prostituted themselves to the Moabite chicks. If a man has an affair, it is not usually the case that a naked woman knocked on his door. He pursued somebody. (Dennis Prager)

* The Moabite women brought the Israelite men over to worship the Moabite gods because they believed more strongly in their gods than the Israelites believe in their God.

* The Jewish tradition considers moral threats more serious than other threats. Thus, the Torah antipathy to Midianites is stronger than it is to the Egyptians.

* There’s a big difference between public and private sin.

* The only reason we know Pinchas did the right thing was that God announced that.

* JF loses patience with Emily Youcis, mutes her, before deleting the stream.

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