Z - Man Interview: The Haunting Of Western Civilization (7-8-18)

1 year ago

http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=122498 I first encountered Z-Man in the comments section of Steve Sailer’s blog. Z-Man has been blogging for five years. He has a right-wing commonsense approach a few steps to the right of conservatism.

https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=6s: Z's Worldview
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=3m15s Z begins blogging in 2013
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=5m15s Z goes online circa 1988
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=7m05s Z falls out with conservatism
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=9m50s Z's critique of Steve Sailer
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=13m01s America's cultural hegemony
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=17m24s Elites have no interest in reform
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=20m40s Doco on The Weathermen
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=21m22s When America becomes minority white, it will look more like the Balkans than old America
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=21m40s Were WASPs displaced or did they quit?
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=48m24s AR criticizes Trump to get attention
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=48m44s Z has never called himself Alt Right, rather Dissident Right
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=1h13m20s When Texas turns Democrat
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=1h19m19s Z says our problems won't be voted away
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=1h22m42s American Renaissance conferences
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=1h31m48s Z's visit to the Daily Shoah
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=1h34m24s Ecce Lux vs Z
https://youtu.be/1T4MG5ra2FM?t=2h16m42s Ecce vs Z

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Ecce Luz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWefSRd0Sg_vYcX1eDpW5w
Dennis Dale: https://twitter.com/eladsinned
Z-Man: http://thezman.com/wordpress/

Z-Man blogs July 8:

A couple of years ago, John Derbyshire, in one of his podcasts, talked about the sexual aspect of what ails the West. He referenced this comment to Steve Sailer, in one of Sailer’s blog posts. No doubt others have noted that women in the West seem to be the driving force behind things like immigration. The angle is always that the women are ascendant, because the men have grown soft. As Derb talked about in that podcast, the girls are inviting in the swarthy foreigners, because they are dissatisfied with their men.

That is appealing to men, especially older men, as older men are always sure that the younger generation is soft. When I was a boy, my grandfather would say, “In my day it was iron men and wooden ships. Now, it is iron ships and wooden men.” I’m an old man, but not so old that my grandfather lived in the age of sail. It was just his way of saying that his generation was tough, while the younger generation was soft. The thing is though, this assumes that only men have changed, while women are just responding to this change.

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