Marine’s COVID-19 vaccine refusal led to 113 days in the brig & more (177)

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How a Marine’s COVID-19 vaccine refusal led to 113 days in the brig

Marine Lance Cpl. Catherine Arnett was released from the brig so she could prepare for her trial

Dr. Simon Goddek on Twitter: "🧵THREAD: Unveiling the Connections and Actions of @DrLeanaWen. What a coincidence that it was Wen, 🇺🇸's and 🇨🇳's top Covid fearmonger, who was interviewed right after the Boston Bombing. She speaks as if she's struggling to recall her lines. At least her accent has improved." / Twitter -

The Redheaded libertarian on Twitter: "Based 5th grade teacher discusses the difference between men and women. Them: Sex is what you’re born with, gender is what you identify as! 5th grade teacher: I don’t accept that distinction. You have to argue for it. You are just giving a conclusion. You’re just making it up." / Twitter -

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Confirmed: Tucker’s prepared monologue for the night he was pulled off the air addressed Ray Epps and January 6" / Twitter -

Andrew Tate Finds Romania Less Lawless Than He Hoped - The New York Times -

(4) DC_Draino on Twitter: "🚨BREAKING🚨 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol Not only was J6 a Fed setup, but now it’s confirmed that FBI is also covering its tracks" / Twitter -

Stew Peters on Twitter: "Remdesivir contains CYANIDE. People didn’t die from covid in hospitals. They were MURDERED by spineless doctors in modern day gas chambers. Watch more👇🏻" / Twitter -

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis on Twitter: "ANALYSIS: The True Cost of Energy Generated From Wind Turbines Contrary to mainstream belief, wind turbines are neither effective nor, in many cases, good for the environment." / Twitter -

DC_Draino on Twitter: "🚨BREAKING🚨 FBI whistleblower testifies under oath that FBI won’t allow 11,000+ hours of J6 footage to be released b/c it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside Capitol Not only was J6 a Fed setup, but now it’s confirmed that FBI is also covering its tracks" / Twitter -

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 on Twitter: "Pfizer Knew Their Injections Damaged Teens: They Covered It Up and Kept Going Anyway When Maddie de Garay suffered 35 adverse events from the COVID Shot, Pfizer summarized her harrowing experience as a stomach ache. “Does your child when they have a stomach ache — does that put…" / Twitter -

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives on Twitter: "If Democrats found Donald Trump’s daughter diary and learned that Trump forced her to shower with him while she was a kid would they ignore it?" / Twitter -

🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Just In: California Governor Gavin Newsom has sent a letter to the Florida Board of Education and the publishers of school textbooks demanding to know what was changed and left out. He wants to ensure kids in California get the opportunity to learn about sex, changing genders,…" / Twitter -

Historic Vids on Twitter: "What medieval castle toilets looked like The first modern flushable toilet was invented in 1596 by Sir John Harrington, who installed one for his godmother, Elizabeth I. Occasionally, some brave knights would conduct sneak attacks by entering the castle via the shaft connected…" / Twitter -

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 on Twitter: "Where did all the money go? Ukraine’s military loses major stronghold city to Russian mercenaries “Americans have been looted for” $150 billion. “When, if ever, will the people in charge consider striking a peace deal to the benefit of humanity?”" / Twitter -

Kim Dotcom on Twitter: "EXCLUSIVE from a #NordStreamSabotage whistleblower: I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of the world, wishing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. My identity is not of importance. What matters is the sharing of my story so that the world can understand…" / Twitter -

Scott Adams on Twitter: "I’ve seen no credible evidence of election rigging in 2020. But in the context of one candidate being labeled Hitler by the party managing a number of state elections, non-rigging would be the extraordinary case." / Twitter -

Greg Price on Twitter: "Incredible. North Carolina’s Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper is declaring a “state of emergency” because the NC legislature is going to override his veto on a universal school choice bill." / Twitter -

Benny Johnson on Twitter: "ABC reporter Amy Robach tried to release her story exposing Jeffrey Epstein as a pedophile all the way back in 2015, but the network blocked it. Who owns ABC? Disney. When you start to put the pieces together it’s horrifying— Disney, the company that targets your kids, is the…" / Twitter -

Clandestine on Twitter: "🔥HOLY SHIT🔥 Now we just need a domino effect via other State Legislatures following suit with paper ballots or DoD (Military) standard systems. Not only will this eliminate fraud, the variance will prove they were cheating before. This could save America and thus the world." / Twitter -

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis on Twitter: "The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board has revised its current guidelines regarding so-called "gender-affirming care" for minors because it no longer considers them to be evidence-based. Bravo Norway🇳🇴" / Twitter -

Kari Lake on Twitter: ""Kari Lake’s Second Election Contest Trial Concludes, No Experts Dispute 274,000 Ballot Signatures Were ‘Verified’ at a Rate of 3 Seconds Each."" / Twitter -

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "UPDATE in case of Tom Caldwell, nearly-70 year old Navy veteran convicted of obstruction and tampering with evidence whom DC US Attorney Matthew Graves wants sentenced to 14 years in prison. Judge Mehta vacated his sentencing hearing pending consideration of motion for acquittal" / Twitter -

Joey Mannarino on Twitter: "Here’s the funny thing. I’ve been to drag shows. When I was in London, I lived extremely close to Soho and stopped in one because they were doing a tribute to Tina Turner when her musical was opening in the West End. It wasn’t sexual. It was a man dressed up in a Tina wig and…" / Twitter -

Tom Fitton on Twitter: "Counting ballots for up to TWO WEEKS after Election Day is a legal and constitutional OUTRAGE. @JudicialWatch in Federal court now with civil rights lawsuit to end this affront to basic election integrity." / Twitter -

zerohedge on Twitter: "US National Security Experts Urge No More Weapons For Ukraine In NY Times" / Twitter -

Clandestine on Twitter: "@Lukewearechange He knows about the Deep State assets in Ukraine. Trump and Putin share the same objective of eliminating US Globalist control of Ukraine, and ultimately eliminate the US biological network in Ukraine. This was is about holding those responsible for the creation of C19.…" / Twitter -

Steve Kirsch on Twitter: "This is so cool. With one VAERS query, you can prove that vaccines vaccines cause autism!! The medical community hasn't been able to figure this out in over 20 years! I did it in about 15 seconds. Look at Hep A (2 doses) vs. MMR (1 dose). It's 153/(45/2) = 6.8 OR and the p-value…" / Twitter -

Tim Young on Twitter: "This was a month ago... do you know how hard it is to find this story anywhere??" / Twitter -

C-Reason🇺🇸 on Twitter: "ELON UNLEASHED: Musk Trashes Soros, Confirms 'There Was Election Interference' in 2020 via @TheFirstonTV" / Twitter -

Stew Peters on Twitter: "Unbelievable." / Twitter -

Adnan Al-Daini Ph.D. on Twitter: "BOOM: Massive News As Elon Musk Demands The Release Of The Jefferey Epstein Client List" / Twitter -

Michael Shellenberger on Twitter: "Biden says domestic terrorism is rising, but it's not. Rather, the FBI is manipulating data to demonize millions of Americans, and the media is going along with it. They should all be ashamed of themselves for their persecution of FBI whistleblowers and law-abiding Americans." / Twitter -

Chloe Cole ⭐️ on Twitter: "This is the exact wrong way to handle the situation. I get that he’s an adult but he’s still their child. This will push the guy further into the pain he’s suffering. Compassion is the way to fight this battle… love without affirming the delusion." / Twitter -

The Gateway Pundit -

Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation "Investigation" in August 2021 - FBI Destroyed All Evidence! | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila -

Report Confirms Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a "Disruptive Event" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger -

North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Declares "State of Emergency" to Oppose School Choice Bill (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft -

Bud Light Buying Back Unsold, Expired Beer from Suffering Wholesalers as Sales Crater to New Low - Company Also Plans Desperate Pandering Move to Veterans | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger -

Thots&Players 🙏 on Twitter: "Interesting..." / Twitter -

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives on Twitter: "On July 6, 2007, a 23-page letter from Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt stated that Epstein was Co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative which became the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation is most known for its work with the children of…" / Twitter -

Michael Shellenberger on Twitter: "FBI promised yesterday to hand over a crucial document relating to a pay-to-play/potential bribery scandal, but today is refusing." / Twitter -

Clandestine on Twitter: "Here’s an example of how the 🇺🇦 propaganda machine works. Here is pro-Ukrainian account @visegrad24 sharing a video of a what they claim to be a Russian helicopter crash in Belgorod. But the video is from a Crimean oil depot explosion on August 31st, 2022. They just lie." / Twitter -

Clandestine on Twitter: "I’ve never explicitly explained it, but when I’m engaging with the imbeciles on the other side, I’m aware that I’m not going to swing them. In an A to B exchange, I am not targeting person B, I am targeting person C. The onlooker. The audience. The point of public debate is…" / Twitter -

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 on Twitter: "89% of Krystal Ball’s Audience DOWNVOTED Her Vaccine Segment With @RobertKennedyJr This video ( titled “Krystal And RFK JR DEBATE Vaccines” received 33k downvotes and only 3.8k upvotes. That’s nearly nine downvotes for every upvote. Here are some of the…" / Twitter -

Viva Frei on Twitter: "The Surgeon General of Florida is black. The Attorney General is a woman. The Lieutenant Governor is a Latina woman. But you should really listen to @GailVazOxlade about how Florida is only safe for “cis, white, Christian” men. Hateful stupidity. Endless hateful stupidity." / Twitter -

(35) Simplicius The Thinker | Substack -

(35) SITREP 5/20/23: Bakhmut Falls, Artemovsk Rises. What's Next? -

Bruce Charlton's Notions: By what mechanisms might demons influence computers or 'the internet'? -

The Worst Toxic Leadership in the Military - YouTube -

Marine who refused COVID-19 vaccine spent 113 days in the brig -

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