"Zanoni", Book 6, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

1 year ago

Book 6: Supersition Deserting Faith

Ου γαρ χρη κεινους σε βλεπεις Aριν σωμα τελεσθεις;
Οτι τας ψυχας θελγοντες αει τελετων απο νους.
Oracl. Chald. ap. Procl.


0:00:00 Chapter I
0:08:46 Chapter II
0:12:05 Chapter III
0:18:06 Chapter IV
0:25:02 Chapter V
0:33:04 Chapter VI
0:41:26 Chapter VII
0:49:19 Chapter VIII
0:55:06 Chapter IX


The picture used are:

Chapter 1: the Villa Foscari (Malcontenta) bei Mira (VE) von der Wasserseite by Peter Geymayer

Chapter 2: "Simeon with the Infant Jesus", a painting by Petr Jan Brandl, some time after 1725

Chapter 3: "A View of the Bay of Naples, Looking Southwest from the Pizzofalcone Toward Capo di Posilippo" (1791) by Giovanni Battista Lusieri. Parthenope was built atop Pizzofalcone. And look at that, the picture was painted in exact the temporal setting for this chapter! Perfection!

Chapter 4: Venice in the 18th century, view of the Grand canal towards the Rialto Bridge from the North, the Fondaco dei Tedeschi to the left, painted by Apollonio Domenichini

Chapter 5: one of the rooms in Villa Foscari - it is a crazy opulent interior! If you like this kind of stuff, it's worth an image search to see just how amazing this place really is.

Chapter 6: La Confessione (circa 1838) by Giuseppe Molteni

Chapter 7: (I was going for the imagery of an astral traveler)

Chapter 8: King Louis Philippe fleeing from Paris after his abdication, Paris 24 February 1848. So, everything about this picture is wrong for our scene, it's 55 years later than our story, it's a couple fleeing Paris, not Venice, and it's royalty, not ordinary people. But it is a couple taking to flight to escape an evil fate, which is what I was looking for, and I couldn't find anything else even remotely approaching this theme, so this is what we are left with.

Chapter 9: (meant to represent two mystics, Mejnor the blue, Zanoni the orange)

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2664/2664-h/2664-h.htm#link2H_4_0065

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