TTLR EP470: Mike Adams - The Hippie Conservative - How A Contrarian Brand Can Make You Millions

1 year ago

“I just started telling the truth. And I refuse to back down.”

Mike Adams, also known as the "Health Ranger," is an author, inventor, publisher, prepper, podcaster, and advocate for liberty, America, and life. He founded and Adams is committed to free speech and has launched,, Brighteon.TV, and to support independent voices.

Join Nicky and Mike as they discuss the power of truth and natural health in building an online business. Explore Mike's commitment to providing valuable content, his refusal to compromise his values, and the challenges faced along the way. From the growth of to conservative fiscal stewardship, gain insights into entrepreneurship, freedom, and the importance of staying true to your beliefs.

Expert action steps:

1. Do not compromise on your values and understand that what is being said to you by society is a contrived, distorted view.

2. Most people don’t change overnight. Some people don’t change ever,. some people do but most people don’t. And if someone in your circle is toxic, you need to fire them or distance yourself from them immediately.

3. Be physically conservative.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

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