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The Lord of the Rings - Radio Drama | The Grey Havens (Episode 13)
E13: Covering "The Return of the King"": Book 6 - Chapter 6-7-8-9.
Arriving in Isengard, the Company meet Treebeard. To Gandalf’s dismay, he has released Saruman, for he did not wish to keep such a miserable creature caged. Gandalf warns Treebeard that Saruman still has the power of his voice—a power he had used to his advantage in the past. Gimli and Legolas head north through Fangorn, Aragorn returns to his kingdom. The remaining travellers reach Rivendell and the House of Elrond, and they find Bilbo. After a fortnight, Frodo realized that he must return to the Shire. Bilbo gives Frodo three books of collected lore entitled Translations from the Elvish. Elrond takes Frodo quietly aside, assuring him that in time he himself would visit the Shire, and he would bring Bilbo with him.
The hobbits and Gandalf travel to Bree where they stay at the Prancing Pony, and are told by Butterbur that there has been trouble in Bree while they have been away. The next day, the Company set off. Gandalf tells the hobbits that he would not accompany them to the Shire. The hobbits arrive in the Shire to find it taken over by 'the Chief' or 'Sharkey' at Bag End; Battle of Bywater; the hobbits find Saruman and Wormtongue at Bag End; Wormtongue kills Saruman, and is then killed himself by hobbit archers.
Cleaning up of the shire; several years pass; Sam and Frodo meet the elves and Bilbo travelling west through the Shire, they travel to the Grey Havens where they meet Gandalf, and Merry and Pippin arrive; Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf and the elves set sail to the west; Sam returns to Rose and their daughter Elanor at Bag End.
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