What drug did you take once and thought “nope, never again”?

1 year ago

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What drug did you take once and thought “nope, never again”?
Crack...it was too good. I get the hype.
Salvia. It's a very short trip but I felt so much physical discomfort like my whole body was being shoved into a box despite the fact that I was sitting in the grass with a group of friends. Apparently it's not an uncommon side effect of the drug.
Not a drug, but I was told I needed to take a Fiber supplement, and went with the Fiber Pills... Then I went to the emergency room because I felt like I couldn't breath within a few minutes of taking them.Fiber pills swell up easily with water, so they can end up feeling like they are sealing your throat.I now take Fiber Gummies, and actually enjoy having a "little treat" every day.
Oxycontin, shit was too relaxing and didn't last long. I had knee surgery and they gave it to me for the pain. I took it for a week and when I wasn't on it I really wanted more. After a week of it I never wanted to touch that shit again.
Ambien. Woke up in my underwear on my neighbors porch.
For me it was coke. I'm a broke bitch so after spending 80 bucks for maybe an hour's worth of a high I very quickly learned why it's called blow. You can blow threw it and all your cash in a few days tops. Glad I got off that shit quick, woulda ruined me.
Muscle relaxants. Worst cramps I've ever had when the drug stops working, and you realize you have cramping muscles at the soles of your feet and between all your bones
Tetracycline. Turns out I'm allergic.
Heroin. Too good. Knew it'd get its claws in me if I did it a second time.
Meth. Did some once thinking it was coke, spent two days strung out and horny as hell. Never again.
Percocet. It was in liquid form. I can totally see how people get addicted to that stuff. It’s like a few minutes later the world turns into a beautiful place and your problems disappear.
The two thing I've taken from this thread is that Salvia is the worst drug out there, and that realising you want more of a drug is instantly *the* reason to never do it again.
My Dad gave me a dilaudid he had left over from his hip surgery because I had a sore neck. I felt an almost overwhelming sense of euphoria. I knew I could never take another one.
Meth... I've taken perscription Adderall nearly my whole life and I wanted to test all these people who told me "You're just taking perscription meth"....To say the least I don't do either of them anymore
Salvia no doubt
Xanax. Took a bar at a friends house. All I remember was watching game of thrones at a friends house then next thing I know I’m at my apt and it’s a day later. Wasn’t a bad experience for anything it was just alright and felt like a waste of time. Plenty of better drugs out there.
Heroin; it was just too good.
That fake weed stuff that was around a lil while back. Thought i was going to die. So hot. My sister found me naked passed out in the bathroom with my face against the bottom of the toilet. This really bothered me. Im not a gremaphobe but rather germ aware.
I didn't take it intentionally, it was added to my weed without my knowledge. Fkn Angel dust. I overdosed on that shit.
Most of them. Other than high grade pot, most give me a disassociative feeling that I hate. Even prescribed pain killers. I stay on them for as short of a time as I can stand.
I was given fentynol in a hospital setting for a lung procedure (they make you black out and go into your lung) I never had a bad experience but I can see why people get addicted to it. I was euphoric and somebody let me go shopping I bought all these blue dress shirts that didn't fit. Like 100s of dollars worth. I felt like I was on cloud 9 for hours
LSD. It's an incredible drug for many people but unfortunately, I had a bad time. Some parts however, were very fun and memorable. However, due to the amount of anxiety I felt, there's no way I'm dropping acid ever again. To quote Alan Watts, "when you get the message, hang up the phone"
Meth, made the mistake of looking in a mirror, tried to pull my teeth out.
Nutmeg. I laughed hysterically for 8 hours then had 8 hours of intense gas pain. So 50 percent bad, but that 50 was sooo bad.
PCP many years ago. Never again, never again was all I could think.
Honestly, Propylhexedrine inhaler. It’s a menthol inhaler you gotta eat insides of. The drug is like dirty mdma, but it’s legal to buy in inhaler. Since most folks would t eat cotton soaked in menthol oil
Salvia was flocking terror
DXM, the active ingredient in cough syrup/gel caps. Teeth grinding, eyes wide as can be, anxiety/paranoia, skin crawling feeling, no sleep for 48+ hours. It's around a 4-6 hour "I'm kind of enjoying this but not really" high followed by more than a day of a terrible comedown. Even after I slept I didn't feel well for the following week. Never again.
wouldn't YOU like to know, policeboy?
Got flocked up on salvia once. Once.

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