"Who's Running the Show? WEC's Administrator Wolfe Takes the Reigns"

1 year ago

In June 2021, WILL submitted a complaint to WEC on behalf of Robert Pellegrini pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 5.06. However, WEC Administrator Megan Wolfe dismissed Mr. Pellegrini’s complaint, with no indication that the WEC Commissioners voted on or affirmatively approved of the decision. WILL discovered that Administrator Wolfe had done so under a broad policy adopted by the WEC Commissioners to pass on their authority to review and resolve all Wis. Stat. § 5.06 complaints. Instead of the six WEC Commissioners deciding those complaints, they have delegated the responsibility to staff and Meagan Wolfe.

The lawsuit alleges that the six WEC Commissioners are statutorily responsible for hearing and resolving complaints against local election officials and they cannot abdicate that duty by delegating it to anyone else. The suit is filed in the Waukesha County Circuit Court.

The WILL Quote: WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber, stated, “It’s absolutely absurd that the Wisconsin Elections Commission repeatedly refuses to take accountability. According to state law, it is the Commission’s responsibility as a whole to respond to such complaints, not to assign the duty to another.”

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