The Lord of the Rings - Radio Drama | The Two Towers (Episode 9)

1 year ago

E09. Covering "The Two Towers": Book 4 - Chapters 5-6-7; & "The Return of the King"": Book 5 - Chapters 1-2-3.

Frodo and Sam are captured by Faramir's men and they are blindfolded on their way to Henneth Annûn. Frodo tells Faramir of his brother Boromir's part in the Fellowship.

Éowyn, begs Aragorn to avoid the Paths of the Dead but Aragorn refuses. The Company enteres the dark path. Gimli is nearly paralysed with fear, as he could hear the whispering voices of an unseen host following the Company in the dark. At a clearing, Aragorn turns and speaks to the Dead, summoning them to follow him to the Stone of Erech. After creeping in the darkness for what seemed like ages, the Company emerges from the Paths and rode quickly through the mountain fields with the Men, horses, and banners of the Dead following behind.

Faramir shows Frodo they have found Gollum at the Forbidden pool. Frodo saves him from being shot by Faramir's men. Frodo, Sam and Gollum leave Faramir. They travel to the crossroad of the road east between Osgiliath and Minas Morgul, and the north-south road from the Black Gate to the southlands.

Gandalf with Pippin arrive in Minas Tirith; they talk with Denethor; Pippin enters the service of the steward. Rohan prepares for war; Merry heads off for Minas Tirith, on a horse with a rider who calls himself Dernhelm.

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