Preserve Us

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
This poem, 'Preserve Us', is a little awareness raiser and fun push against some of the ‘agendas’ that surround us. We are slowly finding our ‘X’ Factor .. ‘truth and insight’ .. and we need to stand in it and act through it. As we know, much of the tyranny is still unseen and together we reveal the undercurrents and numerous lies, along with the ‘hard to digest’ malevolence behind such agendas!

We can influence change by ‘mirroring’ ourselves and our love out into the world. We can also use the tools of imagination and joy to dream the new or some ‘fitting’ conclusions to it all!!

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'. They were written from 2022+
to encourage consideration, reflection and faith in ourselves, others and God. [r31]

Poem wording -

Preserve Us

Megalomaniacs and their paid for politicians ..
Planting seeds and sowing all kinds of divisions.
Now floundering around like incompetent actors.
Unknowing how we landed on this ‘X’ factor!

Tried anyway to kill us, with lies and deceit.
But now, we all see it - ain’t that just so neat!!
No, to their ceaseless tyranny.
No, to their ‘distorted view’. I now mirror me.
We were long denied, while being inhumanely defiled.
On satan and the devil, their actions were styled.

Now they suggest we be served insects and larvae.
Still pushing on with their ‘one world crazy’!
No more can we remain content and lazy.
Like a cow .. four bellies inside stomach,
Grass and insects, like lies, remain hard to digest.
No thanks, not for me, not even with gravy!

Within vision, in my free flowing imagination ..
They now get anaphylaxis, from insects
Incubated on their manure and shite!
Oh, what a picture – it fills with delight!
It’s their turn to asphyxiate.


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