Rep. Stacey Plaskett | FBI Whistleblower Hearing | May 18, 2023

1 year ago

Thursday, 05/18/2023 - Rep. #StaceyPlaskett [D-VI] was contemptuous, scornful, resentful and bitter when she ruthlessly questioned 3 courageous and patriotic FBI whistleblowers who gave up their dream jobs and sacrificed their livelihoods, putting themselves at great risk and putting their families through HELL to expose the abuses of the Democrats' out-of-control Federal Bureau of Intimidation, and the cruel and sadistic way the FBI retaliates against whistleblowers. Democrats defended the FBI and the attacked whistleblowers! FULL MENU BELOW:

"Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increases as the importance of the position increases." ~ John Adams

* Video 1 Opening statements by Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan [R-OH] and Ranking Member Rep. Stacey Plaskett [D-VI]

* Video 2 Witnesses' Opening Statements:
-- Garret O’Boyle, FBI Special Agent
-- Steve Friend, Former FBI Special Agent
-- Marcus Allen, FBI Staff Operations Specialist
-- Tristan Leavitt, President of Empower Oversight

Committee members with 5-minutes each for questioning:
* Video 3 Rep. Harriet Hageman [R- WY]
* Video 4 Rep. Linda Sánchez [D-CA]
* Video 5 Rep. Matt Gaetz [R-FL] + Rep. Elise M. Stefanik's time
* Video 6 Rep. Stephen Lynch [D-MA]
* Video 7 Rep. Kat Cammack [R-FL]
* Video 8 Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL]
* Video 9 Rep. Gregory Steube [R-FL]
* Video 10 Rep. Sylvia Garcia [D-TX]
* Video 11 Rep. Darrell Issa [R-CA]
* Video 12 Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA]
* Video 13 Rep. Mike Johnson [R-LA]
* Video 14 Rep. John Garamendi [D-CA]
* Video 15 Rep. Dan Bishop [R-NC]
* Video 16 Rep. Dan Goldman [D-NY] + Rep. Colin Allred's time
* Video 17 Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY]
* Video 18 Rep. Jim Jordan [R-OH] Committee Chairman
* Video 19 Rep. Stacey Plaskett [D-VI] Ranking Member
* Video 20 Rep. Chris Stewart [R-UT]
* Video 21 Rep. Kelly Armstrong [R-ND]

* Video 22 POINTS OF ORDER (The Drama)
-- The nasty ranking member Stacey Plaskett [D-VI]
-- The sleazy DNC impeachment lawyer Dan Goldman [D-NY]
-- The bitchy former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL]
-- The very rude and immature Rep. Sylvia Garcia [D-TX]
-- POINT OF REFERENCE by the Honorable Rep. Jim Jordan [R-OH)

-------------------- Related Links ------------------

The complete and UNCENSORED media coverage of the Durham Report the next day on May 16, 2023. (Video edited by Bud Meyers)

Durham Report makes 2024 election extremely vulnerable | May 20, 2023 (Op-Ed by Bud Meyers)

----------------------- NOTES ----------------------

The Democrat Party uses Big Government, and specifically the FBI, as the enforcement arm for their party elites, and if anyone in the FBI does wrong, Democrats defend them like defense attorneys. If others don't conform to the Democrat's ideological party line (e.g. wealth redistribution, CRT, climate change, youth LBGTQ-IAZ+ youth, transgender youth, DEI, unconstitutional gun restrictions, mandates. etc.), the Democrats will use their Party's enforcement apparatus (the FBI, ATF, IRS, and federal courts) to force citizens to comply, or they can be sent to jail as political prisoners without being granted their God-given and Constitutionally protected due process rights. The German Nazis also did this before and during WWII ... before Adolf Hitler committed suicide to avoid being tried, convicted and hung for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

(FYI) Regarding the t-shirts in the audience of the FBI whistleblower hearing bearing the name: Rosanne Boyland: Criticizing inaccurate initial reports on the cause of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick's death, Rep. Jody Hice (R-Georgia) attempted to counter the fake news narrative that pro-Trump supporters were the ones causing the violence on January 6. "In fact it was Trump supporters who lost their lives that day, not Trump supporters who were taking the lives of others," Hice said. Hice went on to list the four others who died following the events of January 6, including 34-year-old Rosanne Boyland from Kennesaw, Georgia. While initial reports claimed Boyland had been crushed to death amongst the crowds at the Capitol, the corrupt D.C. medical examiner ultimately ruled her cause of death was an amphetamine overdose. This was disputed by those who knew her.

The FBI director doesn't fly coast-to-coast to dig under rocks looking for evidence. In the days of ZOOM calls, he/she doesn't need a private luxury jet. If they need to travel (or go to their favorite vacation spot) they can use a chartered flight.

Defund the FBI but keep the FBI's forensic and data facilities operational, and just shut down their intelligence and enforcement abilities. Transition all else to U.S. Marshals. Also, disarm the IRS too. Most of these federal agencies are working for the Democrats. And defund Chris Wray's private luxury Gulfstream 500 jet!

18 RINO/Uni-Party senators who passed the Omnibus Bill pulled the rug out from under the feet of House Republicans. So we'll have to wait until the current CR expires (September?) and pray not too much more damage will be done by Democrats before then. Also, the FBI is going to arrest another 1,000 more J-6 protesters.

SpyGate: The conspiracy theory that wasn't. Senator John Kennedy recently said at CPAC 2023: "The truth is, we're going to have to get some more conspiracy theories, because all the old ones came true." Such as the Russia hoax and Hunter's laptop. And now we can expect more conspiracies.

"The Browning of America" as the Democrats call it, aka the Great Replacement Theory, was a "theory" like the others before, and may soon come true like the others if Biden has his way. Don't be fooled by the temporary lull in migration. The cartels are reassessing their strategy after Title 42 ended and the Texas National Guard pushed back a surge of 15,000 Haitians.

Lara Logan was on Watter's World on Fox News and was discussing the cartel cults and how they use the unaccompanied migrant children from south of the border as their work force to pay off their debts, doing such things as selling drugs, child porn, child prostitution and even child snuff videos — and Logan says it's not a big secret and that the FBI knows all about this. If this is true, then why did the FBI help Biden rig the election to enable open borders while hunting down and harassing Trump supporters to ruin their lives too?

Speaking of the FBI abuse of using SWAT teams with CNN in tow and aiming rifles in the faces of young children: That is horrible NAZI intimidation!

----------------------- Original Videos ----------------------
Source 1) GOP Youtube channel:
Source 2) C-SPAN website:

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