1 year ago

This is a new earthshaking translation of Revelation 6:2 which demonstrates that Jesus will be the first person to appear on the world stage at the end of the world! In other words, Jesus will precede both the coming of the antichrist and the event called “the rapture”! This study changes everything we thought we knew about the first horseman of the apocalypse, the so-called “first seal”! It’s a demonstrable, earth-shaking revelation about the rider on the white horse that Bible prophecy scholars have totally missed❗️The video begins by highlighting certain key words that are used in the original Greek New Testament of Revelation 6:2, and then demonstrates, through concordance studies, that these terms are intimately associated with Jesus Christ and his elect! These critical Greek words are often lost in translation and, therefore, interpreters who don’t consult the original New Testament text are prone to misinterpret and distort the authorial intent. This is an academic study of the Bible that uses cross-references and knowledge of New Testament Greek to support its conclusions. It will blow your mind! This earth-shattering video clearly proves that the first horseman of the apocalypse is not the Antichrist, but Jesus Christ! The evidence from both the Greek New Testament and the Greek Old Testament (otherwise known as the Septuagint) demonstrates that Jesus will be the first person to commence or initiate the sequence of end time events. Thus Christ’s appearance is imminent❗️It can happen at any moment❗️We’re not waiting for the Antichrist. We’re waiting for Christ❗️That’s what most people don’t understand. That is the first event on the prophetic timetable when the curtains will be rolled back to reveal the onset of the end times and the consummation of the ages. This video is therefore a long-awaited biblical bombshell❗️The host and narrator (Eli Kittim) is a Bible scholar and a native Greek speaker, fluent in Koine Greek. He uses the modern pronunciation. Eli first explains the linguistic, grammatical, and symbolic context of Revelation 6:2, and then demonstrates how key terms——such as στέφανον, νικάω, and τόξον——are constantly found in New Testament parallel passages and verbal agreements in connection with the people of God, the righteous, the elect, and the faithful in Christ. Mr. Kittim then demonstrates that the same holds true in the koine Greek of the Septuagint (the Greek Old Testament). The Septuagint (LXX) uses the exact same word (τόξον = bow) at Genesis 9:13 as the one found in Revelation 6:2 to mean “rainbow,” indicating the sign of God’s covenant with the human race. And the other Greek terms in Revelation 6:2 are always used consistently in the Bible to refer to believers who overcome or are victorious in Christ, and who will receive a stephanos crown of glory. Kittim then explores many other passages in the Greek New Testament that support this same eschatological view of the first seal, thus revealing the identity of the rider of the white horse. This is a refreshingly balanced, unbiased, and well-sourced argument based on faithful translation and exegesis of the Greek New Testament. This is precisely why it is accurate, well-supported, and compelling! Even the most extreme skeptics would agree with the translation and exegesis of Revelation 6:2 since the language of this verse appears again and again in Greek word studies. Therefore, it is virtually indisputable that the white horseman of the apocalypse doesn’t represent the Antichrist, but rather Jesus Christ❗️This changes everything we thought we knew about the end-times❗️

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