Flipper Zero Cyber Flipper Zero With the ESP3 you have WiFi BT BLE micro SD camera PSRAM ........

1 year ago

Flipper Zero Cyber
Flipper Zero With the ESP3 you have WiFi BT BLE micro SD camera PSRAM CC1101 NRF24 sensors

Who doesn’t want a blue version of the Mayhem hat Cyber bros and eried have come together for a special version of the MAYHEM hat Other than it being the most bad ass hat out there why buy this you ask because it makes sense No need to hack anything, messy wiring it comes with a built in sd card reader and you get a nice layout for 3 pin sensors among all other features

ESP3 bluetooth and WiFi with 2MP OV2640 Camera Module 8MB PSRAM Micro SD slot external antenna connector and flashlight LED module alternative OV2640 21MM 120 header
Extra module headerone of

NRF24l0 module alternative w SMA antenna
CC1101 w coil antenna alternative wSMA antenna
Extra pins for connecting sensors and prototyping any 3 pin sensor 3V or 5V with any pin order can be connected easily
Sleek flip able PCB module for your Flipper Zero header
Optional TPU printed pin header protector check master parts for the file

The Marauder firmware which is a portable penetration testing tool created for Wi Fi and Bluetooth analysis The firmware also includes Micro SD functionality allowing you to dump pcap files
Camera 2MP jpeg and flashlight accessed through the ESP32CAM Marauder app
Gameboy camera style low res 128x64 bmp with preview on the Flipper Zero
QR code reader
Motion detection
External radio wCC module

NRF24 for sniffing and mousejacking w nrf24l01 module
Other sensors I e temperature humidity distance movement knock buttons

The module is designed to be flip able making it easy to point the camera back or forward Check out the image below to get a better idea of the design

Actions based on camera detection I e turn on a TV via IR when some face is detected open the garage door if a number plate appears etc
Barcode reader
Record videos
Operate the SD card from the Flipper
Print photos from the camera to a thermal photo printer using IR Flipper or BLE ESP3
Send your suggestion or just hack the code yourself

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