Taking the arrows in Defense of Freedom: Sten Destroy's Green Extremists' Hit Piece (WATCH)

1 year ago

In this new episode of Sten Reacts, he responds to the EcoRI hit piece against the Center. Sten calmly and methodically dismantles each false accusation, refuting them with facts and evidence. He also highlights the unethical conduct of EcoRI by refusing to contact the Center before publishing the hit piece, refusing to discuss their article on #InTheDugout, and refusing to publish Sten's video response after inviting him to respond.

Sten reaction is an example for all of us in the fight against green extremists. We must not shy away from defending ourselves and our values when faced with unfair accusations. It is important that we remain steadfast in our dedication to the truth, even when faced with a blatantly biased hit piece like the one published by EcoRI. We must be willing to defend ourselves and stand up for what we believe in, but also remain composed and level-headed. Sten reaction proves that we can take the arrows in defense of freedom.

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