Jimmy Webb Returns Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

Are you here? Ladies and gentlemen, right here - it’s time now for The Paul Leslie Hour.

On this episode, we have a returning guest joining us. It’s a great honor that we welcome back America’s Songwriter: Jimmy Webb.

Jimmy Webb is one of the all-time greats. He is a singer-songwriter, composer, pianist, performing and recording artist. Webb is an inductee in the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame and is a recipient of the Songwriters Hall of Fame Johnny Mercer Award. On top of that, he’s one of Paul’s absolute favorite writers.

In his book Songwriters of Songwriting, Paul Zollo said this: “… A night with Jimmy at the keys is not unlike getting to hear George Gershwin or Cole Porter live. It’s hard to believe one guy could have written all these amazing songs…if you get a chance to see him live, grab it. People ask why nobody writes songs like they used to. Fortunately for us all, Jimmy Webb still does.”

Speaking of seeing Jimmy Webb live, you may be aware that he’s got 3 concert dates in late October in North Carolina - the 26th, the 28th and the 29th. Who’s going? Then, in early February he’s also got 2 dates in Florida. You can get more information and tickets at jimmywebb.com w-e-b-b

Just remember this: The Paul Leslie Hour is made possible by people just like you. Just go to thepaulleslie.com/support and be a supporter of independent media. And we thank you.

And now Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time. Paul. Jimmy Webb. Let’s get this show on the road. What do you guys say?

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