George Kalinsky Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

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We’ve got an interview from the archives with George Kalinsky, a legendary figure in the world of photography.

George Kalinsky is the official photographer for Madison Square Gardens and Radio City Music Hall. He’s had a fascinating life and taken many iconic photos in the world of basketball, boxing and entertainment.

Now, George Kalinsky took iconic photos of THEE singer Frank Sinatra. Since December 12th is the birthday of Sinatra, we thought it would be fitting to bring this interview out. On this show, the official position is: SINATRA FOREVER.

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Before we start this interview with George Kalinsky, we’d like to give a shout to Robert Griffiths, founder of Chítta Latte. Paul bumped into him at the festival in Mount Pleasant. Hey, that mushroom and collagen infused espresso he sampled was pretty rad!

Okay folks - it’s time. Let’s begin the interview.

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