For the first time, Guo Mei visited Miles Guo in the detention center

1 year ago

05/20/2023 【Miles' Insight】Guo Mei made a post on Gettr about her visit to her father, Miles Guo in the detention center, which cheered up the fellow fighters. This is the first time Mr. Guo has seen his family since the March 15 arrest. Guo Mei said they didn’t shed a tear during the visit, which shows that they must have been prepared for the possibility that Mr. Guo’s case won’t be concluded in the short term. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/20/2023 【Nicole看七哥】郭美发了一个盖特,谈到她在拘留中心探望她的父亲郭文贵先生,这让大家特别开心。这是郭文贵先生自3月15日被捕后首次与家人见面。郭美说他们见面时没有流一滴眼泪,可见他们应该都已经有心理准备,郭先生的案子不会在短期内了结。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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