How to play Jenga Harry Potter

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the board game Jenga Harry Potter quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Jenga, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular Jenga except for these changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video. The object of the game is to be the first player to get their piece to the top of the tower or to have their piece the highest when the tower falls. Blocks are called stairs. Place the classroom door at the top of the tower. Whenever you move a block to the top, you must also move the door so that it is always on the topmost stair. Each player chooses a marker and puts it in one of the holes on the bottom most stair level. Pick a player to go first, then play moves to the left.

On your turn, roll the die and number of lightning bolts rolled indicates how many blocks you must remove from the tower, one at a time, and place on top. You are not allowed to remove a block that has a piece in it.

Then you get to move your token up the tower the same number of stairs. To move a piece up a stair, you must place your token in an available hole to either the right or left face of the tower from the side you are currently on. If there are no available holes because player’s block them or they don’t exist, then try again 1 layer higher.

When you move to a stair that has another player piece in it, move that piece down 2 stairs to its same relative location. If that spot is blocked, then move it to an available hole on the same level. If those are all blocked, then move it down 1 additional level and try again.

The first player to get their piece to the top of the tower wins. Or if the tower falls before then, the player who’s piece was the highest wins.

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