1 year ago

Gadflies are likely to become killed by whomever surrounding it no matter their purpose; likewise Socrates at court wasn’t far enough from being killed by the state. After the Athenians have rejected Socrates and accused him of being a harmful human to their society as well as wanting him dead, he brings up this metaphor that in some way sums up his life. He professes that he has been giving a lot to the city. He keeps them thinking and allows them to ponder on various matters with his philosophy and his wisdom. He persuades them to care for virtue and justice. The other figurative meaning in the dictionary for gadfly is “a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.” Socrates keeps provoking the men of Athens who have been believing what they were asked and allowed to believing leaving some people to claim false wisdom. He does so by criticizing them to try to awaken them, for he believes they are becoming lazy in the search of the truth, which on his account is the key to a happy life, so he persists on keeping them thinking as much as possible.

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