Episode 84 - New Family Search, Tribute to Fess Parker

8 years ago

The Genealogy Gems Podcast is Three Years Old This Month!



Elyses blog post on genealogy podcasts


Renee Huskey wrote in her Free Stuff Friday post about the Genealogy Gems Toolbar




Recently Completed Projects

They will be searchable online at pilot.familysearch.org in the near future.)

Argentina, Balvanera. Registros Parroquiales 1833 thru 1934 [Parte A]

Canada, British Columbia.  Deaths, 1872 thru 1986 [Part 4]

Jamaica.  Civil Births, 1878 thru 1899 [Part A]

Norway.  1875 Census [Part 1

U.S., Florida. 1910 Federal Census

U.S., Georgia. 1910 Federal Census

U.S., Indiana, Clark County. Marriages, 1811 thru 1959

U.S., Indiana, Dubois County. Marriages, 1811 thru 1959

U.S., Indiana, Harrison County. Marriages, 1811 thru1959

U.S., Maryland. 1910 Federal Census

U.S., Montana. 1910 Federal Census

U.S., Tennessee. County Marriages, 1790 thru 1950 [Part A]


The FamilySearch Family History Library is now making its popular classes available at FamilySearch.org, where anyone anywhere in the world can access them for free at a time that is convenient for them.


FamilySearch is continually adding new online offerings. Classes on how to read English handwritten records are currently in development. All of the classes can be accessed on www.familysearch.org by clicking on Free Online Classes on the home page.




Unlike any other historical collection on the web, the Interactive Census Collection has the unique ability to connect people related to ancestors found on the historical documents.  Simply by clicking the Im Related button for a name on the document will identify you as a descendent and also list others that have done the same.  Never before has it been as easy to connect with distant relatives through historical documents. Finding a record featuring an ancestors name provides not only an emotional experience but also a connection with the past.  On Footnote.com it’s more than just finding a name on a census record.  Interactive tools allow people to enhance the documents by adding their own contributions including:




                      Other related documentCheck out the Interactive Census at Footnote - Free for a limited time.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Do you belong to a genealogy society?  Perhaps nows a good time to hold some beginning genealogy classes like the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society has done.


Next episode on Friday March 26, 2010 features Matthew Broderick and his family history that crosses paths with the Civil War.



Travis wrote in to say he has been inspired to get started in genealogy research:This morning I did a quick search on my iPhone. In the App store and i found your podcast. I listened to about 15 or so episodes. Starting at the beginning. I really enjoy your podcast and cant wait to get caught up and see what other goodys you have in store for me!!


Get the Genealogy Gems iPhone / iTouch App


Comments on  WDYTYA blog post

So kudos to both Lisas for what you have done to raise the excitement for genealogy!


Full episodes online on the NBC website


Thanks to my conversation with you several months ago, my search for my mother is only resulting in increasing information…I love you for your enthusiasm and dedication to this work.  Crystal Bell, a fan forever.


Listen to Lisa’s interview with Crystal Bell

Family History: Genealogy Made Easy Podcast Episode 44


From Tim Connor.  A Question 

Henry Culbertson Wood who was orphaned at a young age. 

His Mother died when he was less than a year old.  His father and Mother were never Married and his Father disappeared.  He lived with some people for a time then went to Hillside Mission Indian school in Skiatook, OK.  (Possibly an Orphanage for Indians.)  Henry was born in 10 Jan 1879 in Indian Territory around what is now Checotah, OK and died 13 Aug 1948 in Kellyville, OK.  According to Dawes papers his Mother's name is Martha J Rowland or Rolin, both spelling are in...

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