Episode 96 Scanner Options, Photograph History, and a Listener chats with Lisa

8 years ago

Published Sept 8, 2010

Upcoming MilestoneGenealogy Gems Podcast Listener Denise Coughlin posted on Lisa's Facebook wall the other day and said "I realized as I was filling up my mp3 player for the rest of the work week Genealogy Gems Podcast is about to hit 100!!  Congrats and keep 'em coming!!"  To celebrate, call the voice mail line - 925-272-4021 - or record and email an mp3 file with a message for the 100th episode.  We can have a sort of virtual birthday party for the podcast!

Coming Soon!Google Earth for Genealogy Volume II DVD is coming October 1, 2010.  Kick off Family History Month by rockin' your ancestors world with Google Earth!  Grab Volume I today at www.google4genealogy.com   

NEWSPodcast Interview with Lisa:Listen to Marion Vermanzen's interview with Lisa on the Marion Vermazen Podcast.

Records Website News:Ancestry recently announced that 10,000 yearbooks are now in the U.S. School Yearbook collection from almost every state in the U.S. spanning 1875-1988.

FamilySearch announced the addition of over 200 million new searchable historic records online representing 18 countries.  Read Major Updates to FamilySearch Beta Site at the Genealogy Insider blog.

Listen to the September episode of the Family Tree Magazine Podcast coming out about 9/15/10

Lisa's upcoming classes at Family Tree University start 9/13/10:

- Reverse Genealogy- Mastering Google Search


Sign up for the free Genealogy Gems Email Newsletter and receive the free e-book 5 Fabulous Google Search Strategies for the Family Historian.  "It's very good information!  This is a terrific tool to have up my sleeve."  - Karen


GEM: Why a Podcast Listener Turned Genealogy Blogger

Premium Podcast Member Mary Lohr recently took the plunge and began her own genealogy blog.http://www.maryjlohr.wordpress.com

Mary writes: "Thank you for encouraging your listeners to blog!"


Mark Your Calendar for Lisa's Upcoming Speaking Engagements:

Oct. 8 & 9, 2010Family History ExpoPleasanton, CA 

Oct. 23, 20109am to 3:30pm at the Hemet Library in Hemet, CAHemet-San Jacinto Genealogical Society SeminarPre-register at www.hsjgs.org by Oct. 13

Oct. 30, 2010California Genealogical SocietyGoogle All the Way SeminarRegistration


Book Lisa for a presentation, webinar or seminar at your Genealogy Society or event.  More information.



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