Dr. Dave Janda: NEVER Go To a Private D.C. Party, You’ll Wake Up With a Polaroid On Your Chest

1 year ago

Dr. Dave Janda: NEVER Go To a Private D.C. Party, You’ll Wake Up With a Polaroid On Your Chest

"Let me take you to a conversation two months after the one I just told you about. I was in a meeting at the White House with a very well-known political figure. I will not tell you who. I was sitting next to him, and we were going to lunch, and he looked at me and said, "You know, Dave, you're an honest guy, and you're here for the right reason to make a positive impact for the public, and you're new to this, and I don't want to see you get compromised so that all your good ideas don't come to fruition."
I was kind of looking at this guy like, okay...and he said, "I'm going to give you some advice, and it might sound off the wall, but I want you to listen to it." Okay.

He looked at me, and he said, "Dave, when you're in Washington, you can go to any dinner with any guy or woman you want, or a baseball game, or a movie, or whatever." He goes, "But listen to me. Never go to a private party in Washington, D.C. and that includes at the Vice President's House."

The vice president at the time was George H.W. Bush. I said, "Okay, I'm not a big party guy. I'm boring, but okay."

He goes, "no, no," He says, "Listen to me. It might seem to be an innocuous situation-a football game. You're invited by a congressman to go over to Congressman So and So's house to watch a football game. You're there, and there's alcohol."

Okay, and you might think, "Well, that's kind of strange. There's alcohol here, and it's really an adult party, and there are some kids walking around. That's kind of weird."

"But Dave, someone will slip something into your drink. You will wake up hours later and there will be a Polaroid picture on your chest of you with one of those kids. This is how they get you."

Let me do a screen share, and please continue. People need to understand the call boy scandal in the White House under Bush senior; please continue.

Which is why this person said, "Don't even go to the vice president's house." He did say if there's a party at the White House, go; that's when Reagan was president. It's fine. But anywhere else, no private parties. This is how they compromise people.

So I said, "Well, what percentage of people, here in Washington, not just congressmen, but their staff, and people that work in these agencies. What percentage of people in Washington are compromised in some way? Either with the Polaroid thing, or with bribery or blackmail, or - this is 1988, Sean, okay?

This person looks at me and says "About 99%." 99% Sean. That was 1988. I think now, if you did a survey, we're probably at 99.9%, and the people that are seen as 'not being compromised'...You want to know who isn't compromised? There are very few. Just see who's getting attacked. That will give you the best indication of who isn't compromised somehow."

Full Video: September 26th, 2020. https://www.bitchute.com/video/pu0y5anmNg8/

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