Kayak Cart I Just Bought For $9.99!!!

9 years ago


HERE IS HOW I GOT THE MAJOR DISCOUNT (deal comes and goes)
1: I signed up for reviewer account on http://www.amzreviewtrader.com
They ask for an email and password to setup (NO PAYMENT INFO). I verified my email by clicking the email link they sent me. It took me back to the site.
2: I logged into site using email and password I setup and clicked account tab in top right of screen. It was there I needed to add my Amazon profile url using instructions they provided. Note it helps to add a profile photo to your Amazon profile url. They like seeing that.
3: I then went to amzreviewtrader search bar and typed "kayak cart".
4: They had a deal going on ($9.99) and I clicked Review Now
5: I waited for email from seller (few hours). Then I received an email saying my request to review was accepted and a promo code and link to Amazon were listed.
6. I paid for the product "on Amazon" using the promo code they gave me and it brought the total price to $9.99. The item was shipped to me and I made an HONEST review as agreed upon.

**Note: the above $9.99 deal might not always be available**
**Proof of This Deal Was Posted to KayakDIY Facebook group**

The review in this video is incredibly NON-BIAS. I wouldn't risk my integrity for a discount. Hope you enjoy the video. I truly believe this cart is a buy even at normal pricing. I love how the cart stows in the hull of my kayaks easily. Below I have linked similar carts that might also be reasonable deals. I however have not tried them and so I can only speak for the quality of the one linked above ^^^^.

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