Signs, Seals, & Covenants | Joshua 4

1 year ago

*This sermon was preached at Covenant Bible Church on the Lord's Day, May 21st, 2023.*

Joshua was instructed by the Lord to appoint one man from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Likewise, the Greater Joshua, who is Jesus, after having passed through the agony of his death on the cross and having opened the Heavenly Canaan to all of true Israel, appointed his twelve apostles to construct the Eternal Memorial of Holy Scripture to ensure that the knowledge of his life, death, and resurrection might be passed on to all future generations.

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*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details:

#bible #sermon #preaching
Keywords: theology, Reformed theology, podcast, Christian sermon, theology podcast, theology show, Christian show, the gospel

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