VSRF Live College Edition EP21: Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Monday, May 22 | 7pm Eastern⁣⁣

Lauren Palmer is a current senior at the University of Vermont, working towards an undergraduate degree in Classics and Asian Studies. She previously attended St. Michael's College but chose to withdraw in 2021 due to discriminatory Covid-19 policies which the college refused to discuss. Outside of her studies, Lauren offers courses for homeschoolers in Latin, Creative Writing, and History. Read Lauren's letter to St. Michael's College: https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/p/st-michaels-college-segregated-me

Phoebe Liou was a homeschooled early highschool graduate at 16, a Babbidge Scholar, Mortensen Scholar, and Honors Student; but when she challenged Covid-19 vaccine and test mandates, the University of Connecticut canceled her from the university, along with $23,000 of merit scholarships. Watch her mini documentary "Second Class Scholar" at https://tinyurl.com/second-class-scholar⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ or donate to her legal fund at https://www.givesendgo.com/phoebeliou⁣⁣
Tyce Patt is a marketing student at Ohio University. Twice elected student senator of the college of business. Currently suing Ohio University on appeal for the university Covid mandates. Visit Tyce's Website: https://saveohiou.com⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Mila Radetich was an early highschool graduate at 14, a premed student at her local community college; now attending Continuing Medical Education courses through Stanford and Yale. Coerced by the administration and schools, she was faced with a decision to receive the Covid vaccine or drop school completely. The vaccine caused adverse disabling conditions. Watch Mila's VSRF episode: https://rumble.com/v1qcg3r-vsrf-college-edition-episode-9.html

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