Episode 94 Janice Nickerson of Who Do You Think You Are Canada

8 years ago

Published August 5, 2010 AUDIO ONLY Genealogy news and variety show.

Canadian Census

Read Shannon Proudfoot's article at the Vancouver Sun online about why genealogists are up in arms about the new restrictions on Canadian census information.

National Archives UK
Take a listen to the National Archives UK podcast episode Counting The People that explores the creation of the census, with the mass organisation of enumerators, temporary clerks, permanent civil service clerks and registrars, and according to the podcast webpage, it includes fascinating stories that lie behind each census, to help us better understand the records we think we know so well.

U.S. census training films online
The US censuses are released when they are 72 years old so the 1940 Census is due out in 2012.  Watch short training films for U. S. Census enumerators.

Family Tree Magazine
Listen to the new July 2010 episode of the Family Tree Magazine Podcast featuring my interview with David Fryxell who's article Fancy Free features the brand new 101 Best websites for genealogy research which just came out in the September 2010 issue of the magazine.

Over 12 million digital images from thousands of microfilm, representing 8 countries, were published online for free viewing this month at FamilySearch's Record Search pilot (FamilySearch.org, click Search Records, and then click Record Search pilot) and coming soon to Beta.FamilySearch.org.

New Google Images
Tip: for faster scrolling through many pages, taking advantage of standard web keyboard shortcuts such as Page Up / Page Down. It's all about getting to the info you need quickly

"I received my copy of "Internet Genealogy" magazine today. One of the articles is called Genealogy Podcasts.... Where to download your favorite shows! I am happy to report that the very first Podcast listed in the article is none other than my favorite "The Genealogy Gems Podcast"! Congratulations Lisa! You're the BEST!!!"
Cherie Bonebright Baxter on Facebook

Listener Tim McBride thinks that would be a great day for a family reunion. I really enjoy the podcast ... keep up the great work!

Lacey comes up with gems too! Family History calendars for Christmas presents. Create a family history Calendar at lulu.

Thanks to Listener Belinda Slocumb for bringing a neat film project to our attention.
And the Iron Did Swim: A Documentary

Will Clifton of Louisiana writes:
I must say I have really enjoyed the extremely useful information! I started by downloading your first podcast and have "listening" my way toward the most current. Is there a way to access these Agricultural and/ or Manufacturing Census records online?

Non-population Schedules at NARA including Agriculture and Manufacturing
Listen to Family History: Genealogy Made Easy Podcast Episode 9 and Episode 10

GEM: Interview with Janice Nickerson
Project Genealogist for Who Do You Think You Are? Canada
Specialist in early Ontario (Upper Canada) records.

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