Freedom in Hong Kong has been grossly diminished

1 year ago

05/17/2023 Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss: Although the British government is doing everything it can to help, the sad reality is that freedom has been grossly diminished and rule of law long lost in Hong Kong. Despite the agreement signed between the UK and China in 1984, the National Security Law has been imposed. Having lost freedom in Hong Kong, we do not want to see that lost anywhere else.

05/17/2023 前英国首相丽兹·特拉斯:虽然英国政府在尽其所能帮助香港,可悲的现实是,香港的自由已经被严重压缩,香港的法制早已消亡。尽管英中在1984年就签署了协议,《国安法》仍然被强制实施。香港已经失去了自由,我们不想再看到其他地方也失去自由。

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