🟠 Live Kevin Briggs & KAren Swain Quantum Entanglement of Consciousness at Multidimensional Level

1 year ago

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QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT OF CONCISENESS on all levels of matter, spirit in all dimensions. Kevin J Briggs is an author and specialises in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book “Spiritual Consciousness A Personal Journey” covers 56 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. He’s had open physical contact with his ET guides since he was 8 years old, who are from arcturus planetary system in the Andromeda galaxy, as well as other ET’s from other star systems. He is connected to a galactic council of 8 beings who are overseeing the shift on planet earth at this time.
Kevin J Briggs is an author and specialises in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book is titled “Spiritual Consciousness A Personal Journey” and covers 56 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. He’s had open physical contact with his ET guides since he was 8 years old, who say they are from arcturus planetary system in the Andromeda galaxy, as well as other ET’s from other star systems. He is connected to a galactic council of 8 beings who are overseeing the shift on planet earth at this time.

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