Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Alchemist. A Transformer of Toxic Energies.

1 year ago

This track was originally created July 2021 and was remastered May 2023. 

I am now directly addressing my unconscious mind, the part of me that never sleeps, the part of me that is always listening to the thoughts I think, the words I speak, the part of me that is always aware of the choices I make is right there with me in every action I take. Dear unconscious mind, you are the part of me that generates and regenerates my physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. You are the part of me that creates my reality without me having to think about it. I send you this message may it go deep into my body, deep into the cells, deep into the beliefs I hold, deep into the fluid energies of my energy field.

"I declare that I am a Starseed child of the Great Central Sun. A Starseed child of this new age of light. This new age a time of prophecy, this is the time of the ascending Sixth Sun, and it is replacing the energy of the previous age which is now fading. I am releasing the old energies of the Fifth Sun and that of the old earth-grid and all its karmic memories. I am releasing all lower timelines, openings, attachments, and intrusions. All old karmic conflict, pain, limitation, and heartbreak. I transform all old poisons in my being. I am a Starseed Alchemist, a servant of the One, of Source Energy. I am a multidimensional soul, and I have travelled through many dimensions of experience. I have connected with many planes of reality and many benevolent star races. At this important time on the earth, I have awakened. I am here to assist in this transition. I am here for service. I am here to assist many others on this journey who are awakening. I stand on the one ascending timeline. My Spirit is pure light. My Spirit feeds my physical body and all energy bodies and uplifts them with light. My inner channel is open and expanded. I am grounded into the 5D Crystalline grid of Gaia. I am loved and supported by this grid. I receive a flow of golden liquid light from the Great Central Sun. I am flowing golden liquid light; I radiate this high vibrational light out into my reality..."

Music by Caleb Etheridge – Instrumental called Close To The Sun.

Full Script -
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