Our Heavenly Father is the Greatest Matchmaker.

1 year ago

Single men, if you know you can't see yourself married to her, please stop wasting her valuable precious time, and don't take away that which is sacred to her, otherwise you are delaying who God has tailored just for her, and you will be held accountable, especially if you harm/abuse her.

Men and ladies, we know that the Word of God let's us know that at the core, love is never confusing, it's the exact opposite. You know, all throughout the Bible, Satan does this same narcissist thing, sends a counterfeit form of love, which then distracts, confuses, entices with a charming personality, maybe even good morals, he or she may even say they are a Christian (hence why Satan is also referred to as the tree of good and evil and an angel of light), or maybe tempts by sending you someone possessing wealth, as Lucifer always tries to derail God's plan. Satan knows each of us have free will, so, if you don't have God's Word and His promises on the tablet of your heart, and likewise the discernment, love and justice that comes along with loving Jesus Christ, then Satan can easily manipulate and sift you as wheat as he did with Peter (Luke 22:31). Satan will send you what you hope to have in another. However, when it comes from the Serpent, the end result or failure of that relationship is always a let down, feeling discarded, unloved, and lonely. Then Satan repeats his same attacks, always trying to fill our time with an absolute counterfeit to what our Heavenly Father would rather desire for your life. The good news is that if you want Him to, Christ will pray for you, intercede on your behalf, just as He did for Peter, so you'll overcome distractions and temptations of this world.

As a child of God, in our obedience to repent from our own bad/poor feelings based decisions/behavior/compromises of the past, no matter how well intentioned we tried to justify being with the wrong person, the Lord will help us overcome. The wrong person for your life doesn't necessarily have to fall under the category of say an evil narcissist; you can still meet someone that you know from the start isn't your person.

Pray to the Father, the Holy Spirit will bring clarity, and let you know, many times over, well in advance, if this is your person or not.

Lean into what His will for our lives is. We do have the authority in Jesus's name to rebuke the enemy, and it is promised in our Lord's Word, that the enemy has to flee. The Lord is so good, all the time. He knows our desires, and He is the best match maker, He will align you with the person just right for you. Even then, don't drop your guard, as the attacks will certainly keep coming (subtlety masquerading as attention/pursuit from others), that could cause the mind to get mixed up/confused about who really deserves our exclusive love and faithfulness). Men, pursue who you can see yourself married to, if this reciprocates, give each other your whole hearts, praying together, and when you get married, never stop dating, ever.

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