Watch The Water 2 Closing Chapter Dr ARdis with Stew Peters followup on envenomation

1 year ago

A Must Watch -


Dr Bryon ARdis joins Stew peters to follow up the initial Watch the water documentary with more information supporting his findings.

He covers Ecarin and telletis (wrong spelling) that cause the huge clots morticians are finding that are mostly made of metals according to Mike Adams.
explains how venom derivatives are commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry and are taken orally and pass through are stomach acid and digestive systems.

also explains there is a group for dosing our water supplies and If I remember correct one of the contents can be ecarin (a snake peptides)

Also explains the clot show attack the (also Gardasil) Syncytin-1 a crucial part of the pregnancy formation with the placenta. IF this is attacked the 4 day old pregnancy will die because it will disconnect from the uterus /(or placenta) This is information heavy interview so I'm sure I don't have these explained spelled exactly correct so see for yourself.

also says HIV glyco protein 120 is the anti viral component they are putting in the covid clot shot, (which could explain why many test positive for HIV after getting the jab, and possibly why it suppresses the immune system

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