I'm Very Happy to be Back on the Road

1 year ago

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Well, I’m finally off and running once again. The Truck is ready for a real test and that’s exactly what I’m prepared to do. I left the house early this morning not having a clue where I wanted to go. I did want to cover the new bypass highway from beginning to end so why not start there. I understand it’s going to save a tremendous amount of time not having to go through the Capitol and all of its traffic. It did! I loved the ease in traveling and the wide roads on this bypass. I finally decided to head out towards Bani. Once there I pulled over and enjoyed a coffee while looking at my map program. I was thinking hey, I never explored the desert areas surrounding Palmar de Ocoa. It was decided that’s my first stop. Buckle up.

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Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you’re thinking about expatriating, opting out for a simpler lifestyle. Maybe you’re concerned about the direction your nation is currently heading in and just want a plan B that includes an exit strategy. The reason doesn’t matter because the answer remains the same. Click https://www.somethingfeelswrong.com/tour-information/ and begin taking the first step towards your own excursion. See for yourself if our little area might be the right fit. Both the Something Feels Wrong website and YouTube channel a must for anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.

Hash Tags:
#travel, #southeast, #bani, #palmardeocoa, #sabanabuey, #rioocoa, #barryindr, #azuaprovince, #bahiadeocoa, #rd, #dr, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #tropical, #island, #tropicalisland, #dominicanrepublic

Artist: Audionautix, Title: Straighty Baby http://audionautix.com
Artist: Hooksounds, Title: Iberian Nights https://www.hooksounds.com/

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