Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses Favorite Secular, Christian and Eclectic

1 year ago

In this video, I'm sharing homeschool curriculum I'm no longer using or curriculum I wouldn't buy again and curricula that I like and went well using. I hope you learn from my mistakes and find a curriculum that is perfect for you and your family!

Learn a few different options for your family, from books, to curricula to products.

I cover:
science homeschool curriculum
language arts homeschool curriculum
math homeschool curriculum
art homeschool curriculum
music homeschool curriculum
history homeschool curriculum
geography homeschool curriculum

Choosing the right homeschool curriculum can be a tricky task. In this video, I'm sharing with you some of the curriculums I've used and some I wouldn't recommend. From boring regimens to unenlightened materials, I'm hoping these reviews will help you find the perfect homeschool curriculum for you and your family!

Products listed in the video can be found (which is actually not a blog, just a hosting site for products) and click under the heading the item would fall. SCIENCE MATH LA GAMES..

Peer Pressure Curriculum

Creative Kids Virtual Preschool

Artists Study

Printer - Eco Tank

Rabbit Trails Science Review

Noeo Science Review

Beautiful Feet Books


03:23 Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses Preschool
04:35 Science Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
07:10 Art Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
08:23 History Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
10:19 Math Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
12:00 Bible or God Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
13:47 Literacy Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses
14:55 Language Arts Homeschool Curriculum Hits and Misses

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