Hymn of the Holy Three Children Ύμνος Των Αγίων Τριών Παίδων Гимн Святых Трех Детей

1 year ago

A father and son in actual life, Father Galaktion (right) and Father Athanasios both chose to lead a monastic life in Simonos Petra. The daughter is also a nun at the Ormilia Monastery outside Mount Athos.
Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sismanoglio/26299836690

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Hymn of the Holy Three Children
Ύμνος Των Αγίων Τριών Παίδων
Гимн Святых Трех Детей
Imnul Sfinților Trei Copii
ترنيمة الأطفال الثلاثة
Химн на светите три деца
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Химна Свето троје деце

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