Freedom News & Education Network (FNEN) Weekly Review 5/14-20/2023

1 year ago


I. AntiWar
A. US to expand military posture in Mid East 0:00:17
B. Ceasefire in Israel 0:01:25

II. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 1 0:01:53

III. Judging Freedom: UK approaching more redlines with aid to Ukraine 0:02:27

IV. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 2 0:03:27

V. Liberty Report
A. Biden, like most tyrants, resorts to fear mongering and race baiting 0:04:22
B. Most politicians have rejected restraints put in the constitution 0:08:13
C. Liberals have to refute the content of character quote by Martín Luther King Jr. or risk having it used against their agenda 0:08:35
D. We still have enough liberty here if we just stand up and use it 0:10:04

VI. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 3 0:10:33

VII. Antiwar
A. Ukraine has already used missiles from UK 0:11:27
B. Russia intends to take more territory if the west supplies Ukraine with longer range weapons 0:11:47

VIII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 4 0:12:28

IX. Judging Freedom: Abbott sends Migrants to NYC; NYC sends them to hotels in suburbs, paying so much that the hotels break previous contracts to accommodate migrants 0:13:09

X. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 5 0:15:26

XI. AntiWar
A. Poland puts Himars near Russian border 0:17:00
B. Over 4.5 million killed (directly plus indirectly) from America’s post 9/11 conflicts 0:17:55

XII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 6 0:18:31

XIII. Liberty Report: Durham Report 0:19:20

XIV. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 7 0:23:38

XV. Tom Woods Show
A. Judge redefines sedition in Proud Boys trial creating another slippery slope 0:24:25
B. Th ‘65 Project and why that kind of thing is only on the left 0:26:35
C. The legal profession is going down a dangerous road 0:27:51

XVI The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 8 0:28:35

XVII. Antiwar: Russia hits US Missile defense in Kiev 0:29:10

XVIII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 9 0:30:26

XIX. Tom Woods Show
A. The role America had in provoking Ukraine War 0:31:16
B. Truncating the antecedent 0:32:12

XX. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 10 0:33:58

XXI. Scott Horton Show: Apartide Israel 0:34:54

XXII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 11 0:37:08

XXIII. Trends in the News: Trends in the economy 0:38:20

XXIV. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 12 0:40:20

XXV. Liberty Report: A look back at America’s post 9/11 responses 0:41:21

XXVI. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 13 0:45:04

XXVII. Judging Freedom
A. Inflation in Europe 0:46:06
B. Is the West growing weary over the war in Ukraine? 0:46:56

XXVIII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 14 0:48:00

XXIX. Antiwar
A. Nato supplying Ukraine with Air Force, more escalations 0:48:49
B. Russia welcomes peace talks from Brazil and Africa 0:50:07
C. US-Israel make plan for joint war with Iran

XXX. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 15 0:51:30

XXXI. Liberty Report
A. NATO’s war plan for Russia 0:52:16
B. The government shouldn’t be allowed to do anything the people can’t do 0:54:21

XXXII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 16 0:56:05

XXXIII. Joe Rohan and Dave Smith watch a clip about the post 9/11 wars 0:56:49

XXXIV. Judging Freedom: the right to keep and bear arms is the right to protect oneself from criminals AND a tyrannical government 0:57:50

XXXV. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 17 1:03:03

XXXVI. Part of the Problem:
A. The Durham Report and what it all means 1:03:45
B. Laws are not magic spells 1:11:00

XXXVII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 18 1:13:34

XXXVIII. Peter Schiff Show
A. Never give up liberty for safety 1:14:52
B. Many Americans using credit cards as a life line, spending continues to push prices up as credit debt rises 1:18:20
C. The Fed is losing its fight with inflation 1:19:48
D. LEI down for 13th consecutive month recession is imminent 1:20:18
E. Consequences of postponing the inevitable 1:22:00
F. The 14th Amendment and the Federal debt 1:22:35
G. Target loses between $500 million to $1 billion to theft 1:24:19

XXXIX. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 19 1:29:06

XL. Trends in the News
A. Odds for June rate hike are near 50%. What will it mean? 1:30:08
B. Stocks rise after mid terms for the past 40 years, market is rigged 1:31:17
C. San Francisco real estate 70% discount 1:32:53

XLI. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 20 1:34:13

XLII. Liberty Report
A. Retail sales rose in April but rising prices account for all of the increase 1:34:56
B. Interest on National debt exceeds expense for US imperialism for first time 1:41:22
C. We can’t counterfeit and the government shouldn’t either 1:42:54
D. Is too much liberty dangerous?1:44:33
E. The Bastiat Principle and what the founders thought of counterfeiting 1:45:05

XLIII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 21 1:48:34

XLIV. Antiwar: More on NATO’s ‘defensive’ plan for war with Russia 1:50:04

XLV. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 22 1:52:23

XLVI. Tom Woods Show
A. Vivek Ramaswamy gives an overview of himself and why he has decided to run for President 1:52:53
B. Tom asks who Vivek’s major philosophic influences are 1:55:28
C. Differentiating himself from Trump 1:57:22
D. Vivek on the public health establishment in the US and the rise of the aristocracy of the managerial class 1:59:48

XLVII. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Chapter 18 part 23 2:03:01

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