How To Say I DON'T UNDERSTAND in Thai.

1 year ago


How To Say I DON'T UNDERSTAND in Thai.

The best way to learn the Thai language is by taking Thai language lessons. Thai language lessons for beginners are the best instrument for learning to speak Thai if you are a farang, which means foreigner... actually it means potato.

You will want to learn Thai if you are going to Thailand. It is polite to do so.

Learning to speak Thai is simple, though not easy. To learn the Thai language you must first decide that you want to do it, you will do it, and that you can do it. It is up to you. You can do this.

Learning Thai is very satisfying. If you are learning the Thai language it sends a message to the Thai people that you love them, and that you respect them and their culture.

So, let's learn Thai. We can do it together, you and me. I am a farang, a white guy, and I learned how to learn the Thai language, and I will happily teach you the same.

You can also learn Thai. The Thai language for beginners lessons that I have built upon each other.

The first Thai lesson will teach you words that you will then use in future classes that I teach you.

Thai language lessons are the second best way to learn to speak Thai. The best way is to be born in Thailand as a Thai baby to Thai parents.

If you can't manage to do that, my Thai course is the best Thai language course that you can take. I am a white guy from America, but I am a Thai language teacher because I lived in Bangkok, and Chiang Mai when I was 20 years old. I lived in Udorn and Khon Kaen, Ubon, Bangkapi, and Ratchdamneon, which is next to Chinatown in Bangkok.

I had no Thai teacher other than the Thai people, and that was VERY hard to learn the language that way. But, you almost have me as your private Thai teacher.

I am happy to provide you Thai language tutoring via youtube and my FREE FREEBIES PACK and other goodies I have on my page

Some folks ask if I teach the Thai alphabet; I do not. Not intentionally on youtube, not yet. I just teach the Thai consonants as is appropriate during the course of the lessons.

The rest of the language, other than vocabulary, such as the Thai vowels, Thai I grammar and particulars, and oddities of the language, reveal themselves organically as I teach the lessons.

So, in summary, if you would like to know how to speak Thai so that you can be a tourist or even live in Thailand, please join me. I would like for you to subscribe and like etc. Maybe we will meet at a meetup live in Bangkok. Don't forget to bring your cool shirts and shorts; it is very hot in Thailand.


Dan Harville

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