Satans Army, Rise of the 2 Hundred Million ...

1 year ago

Satans Army, Rise of the 2 hundred million ... Will it be a robotic army clones or drones - we know what technology they have but how will they execute the plan? Alien invasion definately on the cards but there is more to it ... A.I and nano technology will play a big part in the final SHOW THEY PUT ON FOR MANKIND! - NEVER FORGET! "YOU ARE GOVERNED BY AND RULED BY A ROBOTOID ARMY! EVERY FUNCTION­ING PERSON OF IMPORTANCE TO THE EVOLVEMENT INTO ONE WORLD OR­DER IS A REPLICA."

Keep in mind as you learn about human cloning, that any solution on the planet, is going to be a spiritual solution, that is, we work with PURE INTENTIONS FROM WITHIN THE HEART, instead of our egos as our dominant guide. this is where the power is.

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