SLOBODNI podcast #13 Elsa Widding-Nema klimatske hitnost

1 year ago

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Švedka parlamentarka kao stručnjak za energetsku politiku i klimatske promjene razotkriva promašaje trenutne politike koji nas nepotrebno osiromašuju.
Najbolji opis je da lobisti i političari određuju klimatske politike a ne znanost. "Imamo soluciju i sada moramo naći problem".
Web stranica na kojoj možete saznati više
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The Swedish parliamentarian, as an expert on energy policy and climate change, exposes the failures of the current policy that impoverish us unnecessarily.
The best description is that lobbyists and politicians determine climate policies, not science. "We have a solution and now we have to find a problem".
Website where you can find out more

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