Evidence of Depopulation Payments to Governments

1 year ago

12 Sept 2023 Update: PFIZER VACCINE CONTRACT REVEALED - Our Government has been lying to us. 'Safe and effective' spruiking politicians signed a contract acknowledging that the long-term effects & efficacy of the Vaccine were not known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine.

A South African court has ordered that the Pfizer vaccine contract between the SA Government & Pfizer be made public.

And here it is : https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRPfizer-1_Redacted.pdf

It‘a reasonable to assumed that the terms and conditions in this contract would be very similar for every nation.

Clause 5.5 provides,

Purchaser (the government) further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.

So while politicans around the world were assuring the public that the vaccines were "safe & effective" - they’d signed a contract acknowledging that the long-term effects & efficacy of the Vaccine were not known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that were not known.

Now we know why the vaccine mandates hold such weight for governments that signed the 2016/2017 WHO/COVID 'Depopulation Payment' agreement disguised as International Health Regulations.

This video clip discusses the agreement signed by Caribbean governments - and all governments that signed up to this global genocide attack.

A journalist refers to page 8 of the 'depopulation payment' document which shows that 250 deaths equate to a payment of $56M; 750 deaths - $112M; 2500 deaths - $195M. Trinidad 'claimed' 2500 deaths and received almost $200M. It's all about money. As many of us knew from the outset of this disgraceful death cult's COVID ambush.

Governments were incentivised to record deaths. The global powers designed a system that would incentivise governments to look for and report deaths. These numbers help to feed the fear and this fear helps to increase compliance.

They moved finance from its purpose of serving society as a medium of exchange, to being a weapon that will be used by globalist powers to manage a country - strangle a country if it needs to - and to bring these countries into a system of control where if they don't do as they are told, they will manipulate the monetary system and cause them to suffer significantly and push them out of power so they can bring in their friends. Whoever is favourable to them will be elected.

In Jamaica, we are on a mission to stop all of this and we can't afford to be fearful.

Global public private partnership: The global financial controllers are the World Bank, Vanguard Group, Blackrock - they own all the money. Sitting at the top are Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and others. They are part of an overarching control system that has been in place for centuries. This comes from biblical times.

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