Episode 73 - It's All About You and Genealogy!

8 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 73 with Lisa Louise Cooke

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Lisa covers digitized newspaper records recently posted at the Library of America's Chronicling America web site

As well as news from Ancestry.com including new records, the new social networking with records feature, and updated to their Member Connect Feature.

Watch Lisa's 2 part video series on Member Connect with David Graham of Ancestry. Go to the Genealogy Gems TV Channel at YouTube and Click on the Videos section.

Become a fan of The Genealogy Gems Podcast at Facebook.

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MAILBOX:Lisa stops by Mike O'Laughlin's Irish Roots Cafe to ask the Irish research expert for some advice for listener Maria Romano about her Hickson and Carey ancestors from Clanmorris, County Kerry, Ireland. Mike has some great leads for Maria and anyone with Irish ancestors.

Then Lisa shares some advice from German Genealogist Baerbel Johnson of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City on German research in response to listener Teri Chaffin's question about her Matzdorff family.

Danny from Baltimore wrote in to comment on Genealogy Gems Podcast episode 69 and the story about the man who found his family history book digitized on Google Books.

"Copyright infringement and plagiarism is always a topic near and dear to every genealogist. A discussion on "fair use" typically results in a heated debate but to assume that since a library has a copy of a book and that an arrangement between the library, a company (Google) and various literary organizations permitting the digitalization of the library's collection automatically implies the granting of digital rights to that collection is flabbergasting. Danny from Baltimore

Web sites mentioned:Authors Guild.

Original article (9/3/09) about Google books from the BBC.

Tina Kelly writes to say how excited she was to be able to get some of the archived Premium Episodes from the Genealogy Gems store at Lulu.

Premium Episodes now on Lulu:Premium Episodes 2 through 7 And more episodes are coming soon! Limited Time Savings: Save 14.92% on your order with coupon code PINTA Sale Ends Oct. 12, 2009.

And Russ Karr writes to share the highs and lows of his research, and his curiousity about an ancestor that died in an Insane Asylum in San Jose in 1920.

Resources mentioned by Lisa:The Suitcase Exhibit Online

Diane Haddad's post on The Genealogy Insider Blog

Attend Lisa's classes:Family History ExpoRedding, California October 16 & 17, 2009

Listener and Premium member Pat Dalpiaz shares how she proudly wears her new Genealogy Gem Rhinestone Pin whenever she has a new discovery, and shares two of her most recent discoveries generated by working on her family history blog.

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