Episode 122 - Chat with a Forensic Genealogist

8 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 122 with Lisa Louise Cooke

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Published Nov 27, 2011

In this episode you are going to hear from Forensic Genealogist Leslie Lawson.

Genealogy News

Return of Who Do You think You Are?

NBC has just announced that the TV series Who Do You Think You Are? will be returning to television screens here in the U.S on Friday, February 3 at 8pm. Since this falls at the same time as the RootsTech conference I wouldn't be surprised if they plan a group screening for attendees.

RootsTech 2012

The winner of the free RootsTech 2012 registration is Carol Genung.

So I look forward to seeing Carol there and hopefully many of you listening there's still plenty of time to register for the conference at rootstech.org. And for those of you unable to attend I'll have videos that bring the experience to via your computer in the comfort of your own home.

New Records at FamilySearch
They've added a wide range of new records from 20 countries, including Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, England, Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Philippines, and the U.S. The U.S. additions include records from California, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

RootsMagic Update
RootsMagic has released a minor update ( which fixes a few issues.
Read more at the RootsMagic blog

Google Milestones

Google Earth has now had more than 1 billion downloads! Read the blog post

Google celebrated it's 15th birthday in September 2011.

1000Memories Shoebox App

1000Mempories has launched a new free iPhone app called "Shoebox" that they say is like putting a scanner in your pocket.

See more about it here

Watch a short commercial video

Listen to Lisa's interview with Michael Katchn of 1000Memories in Episode 119


I had the pleasure of being invited up to Victoria British Columbia in October 2011 to give a full day seminar on using Google for Genealogy at the Victoria Genealogical Society. I had a marvelous time and I've had the pleasure of hearing from several who were in attendance that day including this email from Mike who wrote in to say.

I couldn't make the seminar, sadly, but my better half -- Kate -- went and she came home brimming over with ideas, two books, a couple of DVDs and a ton of excitement! We've been putting some of your ideas to great use, and having some walls get knocked down. Outstanding stuff! I've also started listening to the GenealogyGems podcasts starting with #21, and in the first episode I already found some great hints on how to get US Naval records for my great-grandfather. Where have you been all my life?! Thank you again for everything you do for the Genealogical community. You ARE one of the Genealogy Gems!!

Feedback on Steve Luxenberg Interview
A topic causing my mailbox to overflow was my interview with Steve Luxenberg and his wonderful book Annie's Ghost

Episode 120

Episode 121

Maureen posted on my Facebook Wall

Genealogy Gems episodes 120 and 121 are, by far, two of the best family history research podcasts that I've ever heard. Steve Luxenberg author of Annie's Ghost was full of great research ideas. These podcasts are keepers!"

Brandt posted:

"Thanks for the interviews with Steve Luxenberg and the recommendation for Annie's Ghosts. I LOVED the book, and the interviews added a lot to it. Hope he writes another one soon!"

Larraine posted:

"Annie's Ghost by Steve Luxenberg is excellent. I can't put it down! It's thanks to you Lisa that I discovered the book after listening to your podcasts."

Julie M. emailed:

I just had to tell you how enjoyable your interview with Steve Luxenberg was! After the first part, I immediately ordered his book for Kindle (through your site, of course) and started it right away. It is compelling reading and I'm hooked on it. What a great story told by a quality story-teller! I find it hard to put it down and look forward to getting back to it as quickly as possible. Perhaps you need to start a "good reads" section in your podcasts or newsletters. Hooked on your podcasts and trying to catch up on all of them.

I think that's an excellent idea! Email or leave a voice mail and tell me if you would be interested in a Genealogy Gems Book Club.

Find out more about the book at steveluxenberg.com. Click on "Behind the Book," to view documents not part of the print edition.

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