Kaku Kayaks & Paddle boards (SUPS)- Specs & Features!

7 years ago

Website: http://KakuKayaks.com

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Kaku kayaks offer a kayak capable of inshore to offshore paddling. The Wahoo 12.5 has been popular and now this year they decided to offer the Wahoo 10.5! The deck on the Wahoo is open and offers easy standing. The hull shape allows the Wahoos to go over the waves with ease. The seating is ridiculously comfortable and allows for higher paddle angles thus optimizing paddle performance. The Kahuna is a popular kayak paddle board hybrid. It has a wide open deck yet cuts through the water smooth like a kayak. If these models seem to fit your needs then check them out at link above.

After the making of this video at iCAST 2017 Kaku came out with the Voodoo Board (See it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt6qIRd5T7o).

Great video about the Kahuna: https://youtu.be/GEV8arlOg7Y

Thanks for watching!
Justin aka KayakDIY

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