Bixpy Swim Jet: Full Review

7 years ago

Bixpy Swim Jet Underwater Propulsion Models:
(Scuba Edition = larger battery & negative buoyancy)
(Snorkel Edition = smaller battery but positive buoyancy)

Full Face Snorkel Mask:

My Camera:

The Bixpy Swim Jet has been a blast the past few weeks. My family and I took it to Key West to explore a reef. It has performed flawlessly and surpassed my expectations. The speed and battery performance of this motor is crazy impressive. Two outings and still it has 3 bars of battery left! I'm currently saving up for the other mounts that let me use the same motor on kayaks, paddleboards, and more! I bough the scuba jet version since it had a larger battery life and slightly negative buoyancy for easier diving. It feels weightless in the water and slowly sinks. I wear a tether around wrist since I have the scuba edition which sinks slowly. The snorkel edition they claim will slowly float to the surface which might be nice for some folks. If you have interest in Bixpy or think it would fit your needs check out link above. This company keeps innovating and we want to show them support!

• Music Licence:
Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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