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OHOL Gameplay Cut Version - Guan New - Unwanted Child
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0:00 Birth
My mother was Jasmine New. She was really mean and didn't want me because I was born a male =/. She fed me until I was old enough to feed myself so I will be at least grateful for that. I said good bye to her and never looked back.
3:30 Exploring the Town
Town had all the basics if not more. There wasn't much for me to add so I planned on setting out to find Tarry Spots since I was the correct ethnicity for it. I had to wait until I was old enough.
4:55 Skewer found and Waypoint Set
6:17 Watering Gooseberry bushes
8:17 Found Steel Pipes
Perfect for what I needed for the Tarry Spots.
8:29 Baking Potatoes
Raw Potatoe + Hot Adobe Oven = Baked Potato
8:55 Inherited the Property owned by Alex.
Started packing for my expedition for Tarry Spots
9:32 Off to find Tarry Spots via Horse
10:03 Built a Snow Wall
1. Barehand + Snow Bank = Snowball
2. Snowball + Snow Bank = Medium Snowball
3. Medium Snowball + Snow Bank = Huge Snowball
4. Huge Snowball + (Selected) Stakes = Snow Wall
10:30 Lots of Dry Tarry Spots
Not sure why but large regions of Tarry Spots were dry. Had to venture out quite far. (As per comments, acts like water wells so large areas around it will become dry)
Note: I have also seen nearby nodes remain wet. Maybe the source gets drained faster if multiple nodes nearby are harvested?
10:59 Abandoned village?
11:39 Abandoned Town - Never found the family name
12:00 Inherited Harriel's Property
12:11 Stacks of Water Tanks
12:23 Exhausted Oil Well
12:45 Finally found a Wet Tarry Spot
I used a Steel Pipe on it but it asked for Stone Blocks next to make a Oil Drilling Foundation. I started to find more Tarry Spots further West.
14:40 Finally found a Highway
15:00 Pea Town
16:32 Discussion with Sunny Pea
She was wondering if I wanted to Trade but I was just on my way. She didn't need anything either. She welcomed me into her town which was nice.
18:18 Took four Stone Blocks
Left a Shovel, 2 Baskets and 1 Rope.
18:37 Simonar Town - Abandoned
19:38 Became Leader
Felt awkward being the leader of a town that I haven't spent much time in.
20:55 Another Highway
21:16 Realizing New Town was originally Bunny Town
21:41 Alexis telling me about her sea of Wheat
She refers to it as her "Stockpile" XD.
23:15 Property Fence was damaged
I brought out the Kerosene in case anyone needed it but the wall was broken anyway. If I had more time I would have come back to fix it.
23:55 Went back out to use the Stone Blocks on a Tarry Spot/ Oil Drilling Tube
24:07 Doomes Town
This was what's left of Doomes Town I assume since there was a body here.
24:35 Found a Wet Tarry Spot to try it on
Need more Stone Blocks unfortunately. Maybe 8 instead of 4. (As per viewer comment, need to build it like the Newcomen tool)
25:17 First time seeing the paving machine
Running Paver West it said in the description. Never would have guess it's automated.
25:32 Doomeville?
25:50 Previous Mom's Ice Hole Building
I think it's the house that Ginger Bunny built for Ice Fishing.
Perfect place to be my resting place. Had a hitching post for my horse as well =). Definitely put on a lot of mileage on my horse XD.
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