Trump and Kari Lake Support Sodomites; Will Norris’ Questions Mike Lindell ~ Catholic Video

1 year ago

This lecture contains a clip from Mike Lindell’s show The Lindell Report on 2/8/2023. And it contains comments from our Brother William Norris and from myself (RJMI). William Norris had the God-given opportunity to ask Mike three questions.

1) On why was Trump disloyal to Mike, one of his most staunch defenders who running for the leadership of the Republican National Committee (RNC), by not supporting Mike. Instead, Trump secretly worked to get one of his worse enemies elected, Ronna McDaniel, who is anti-MAGA and a horrible swamp creature.

2) On why Trump does not condemn the Covid 19 vaccine; or, at least, acknowledge that there are some major problems with it.

3) On what Mike thought about Trump and Kari Lake supporting and promoting sodomites by hosting a Gay Gala for LGBTQ Republicans (called Log Cabin Republicans) at Trump’s Mar a Lago on 12/15/2023, which should now be called Gomorrah a Lago.

When William told Mike about this homo and transgender fest at Mara Lago, Mike pretended that he did not know about it. But he implied that he did know when he said that conservative Christians are turning against Trump. All Mike said is that you did not see him there. But Mike got himself into a bind when he said he would never support anyone who goes against his moral compass, as he was referring to his not supporting pro-choice (pro-abortion) candidates. Well, to be consistent, Mike must no longer support Trump who is pro-homo (pro-LGBTQ), once he sees the evidence, which this lecture contains.

We at Mary’s Little Remnant believe Mike has a lot of good will, but on this issue he caved in. And we hope this lecture will get him to stop idolizing Trump so that he calls out Trump when Trump does something grievously wrong. I also give Mike good counsel on how to handle situations like this. I told him you can still support Trump only because he is the lesser evil; but in order to do that, he must call out Trump when he does, says, or promotes something sinful or otherwise wrong, as I did in my lecture The Trump Counter-Revolution and the Rigged System. If Mike does that, then he can still support Trump and not be a hypocrite regarding his moral compass. And I pray that this lecture will help other conservative minded men who are caving in and moving to the left (at least by sins of omission) on how to handle such situations.

Lastly, all of the attacks on Trump by his enemies did not do as much damage for his chance to get elected as Trump did to himself. His abominable sodomite party at Gomorrah Lago may have well been his political suicide, as many conservative minded men, especially among the Evangelicals, will not vote for him because they are so disgusted and thus may not look at the long view. Also, if a lesser evil candidate runs against Trump for the Republican presidential candidate, then all truly socially conservative minded Republicans must vote for him. One such candidate may be Ron DeSantis.
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