The NFSC will Fight for Freedom Together with American people

1 year ago

05/17/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson Radio: I believe those who have been selling out the American national interest to profit their own personal pocket, will be held accountable. Keep on fighting, God will help those who help themselves. Even though our great leader, Miles Guo, has been locked up and falsely charged, we haven't given up. This is a constant fight.
And the NFSC, which is a great asset for America, will fight for freedom together with the American people. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/17/2023 妮可作客Winn Tucson电台节目:我相信这些出卖国家利益中饱私囊的人将被追责。 继续战斗,上帝会帮助那些自救的人。即使我们的伟大领袖郭文贵被关押、被诬陷,但我们没有放弃。 这是一场持久战。新中国联邦是美国的巨大资产,将与美国人民一起为自由而战。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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