The Second Beast of Revelation 13

1 year ago

After covering the dragons of Revelation 12 and the first beast (the one with the mark) of Revelation 13, Tom covers the second beast of Revelation 13 - the one who makes the image to the beast and causes all on the earth to worship the first beast.

Understanding who these beasts are is imperative to understanding the mark of the beast, and more importantly as you see these beasts forming on the world stage, you will have an understanding of where we are in the final prophetic warnings. Bear in mind that understanding these prophecies has far more importance than simply having knowledge. It is the foreknowledge of what is coming, and the advance notice to give time to prepare, that is key.

If you missed the first two segments of this study, look for "The Beast of Revelation 13" and "The Dragons of Revelation 12".

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